November 19, 2017 - February 11, 2018
Gates Garden Court, Denver Botanic Gardens
Corn Tells a Joke
-Christine Hubbell, colored pencil
The Theory of Spontaneous Generation
(Punica granatum, Vespula)
-Lesley Switendick, watercolor pencil, colored pencil and technical pen
Fashionable Flowers: Tulipomania
(Tulipa sp.)
- Rebecca Swain, watercolor and graphite
Lolium perenne with Polyommatus icarus (drawn on the base of a photo taken by Erkki Kesa, Estonia)
- Cathleen Harrington, colored pencil and graphite
If Degas Had Loved Dandelions
- Mary Ellen Cochran, watercolor and watercolor pencil
Moon Garden
(Artemisia sp.)
- Amy K. Wendland, colored pencil, graphite, discarded herbarium sample
Bad Boys of Spring
(Viola tricolor)
-Helen Smithwick, watercolor
'Ballerina Purple'
(Datura metel)
- Karen Genoff-Campbell, watercolor
Fiddlehead Fern
(Nephrolepsis obliterata 'Kimberly Queen')
-Mary Francis, colored pencil
(Miscanthus sinensis)
-Susan Willis, colored pencil
Digitalis vulpes manipulata
(Digitalis purpurea)
-Leslie Crosby, colored pencil
Illuminated M
- Christine Hubbell, mixed media
In the Eyes of the Beholder
- Mary Ellen Cochran, watercolor and watercolor pencil
All Purpose Flower, Helianthus pocket-knifensis ssp. swiss-armyiformis
(Helianthus sp.)
- Randy Raak, gouache
Botanical Bicycle
(Acer negundo; Salix sp.; Erythronium grandiflorum; Dodecatheon pulchellum; Ipomopsis aggregata; Campanula rotundifolia; Erigeron sp.; Helianthus sp.; Coreopsis sp.)
- Suzanne Stutzman, watercolor
(Citrullus lanatus)
- Lynn Williamson, watercolor
Bull Kelp
(Nereocystis luetkeana)
- Eleanor Williams Clark, colored pencil
Garden Magic
Cinderella Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima); Moon and Stars watermelon (Citrullus lanatus); Fairy Tale Eggplant (Solanum melongena 'Fairy Tale')
- Susan DiMarchi, colored pencil and ink
(Tulipa sp.)
- Valerie Teska, colored pencil
Morning Glory
(Ipomea purpurea)
- Dawn Leopardi, ink
Barnyard Whimsy
(Cockscomb, Celosia cristata; Hens and Chicks, Sembervivum tectorum; White Egg Plant, Solanum melongena 'White Egg')
- Susan DiMarchi, colored pencil
Tales at Tree Line (As Told by Great Grandma Bristlecone to the Marmots)
- Randy Raak, graphite and white ink
Dancing with the Stars
(Quercus gambelii)
- Susan Willis, watercolor and ink
Creep Migration
(Pinus flexilis, Pinus contorta, Picea engelmannii, Populus tremuloides)
- Martha A. Narey, watercolor and ink
Petunia 'Crazytunia Night Skies'
(Petunia sp.)
- Carla Pawlewicz, colored pencil, watercolor and pastel
Total Eclipse of the Sun-Flower
(Helianthus annuus)
- Randy Raak, gouache
Flaming Torch Flower
(Kniphofia uvaria 'Early Hybrids')
- Shiere Melin, colored pencil and pastel
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